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Expert Entitled to Government Special Allowance by the State Council of China

Master Tutor for the College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering at Xiamen University

Master of Electrochemistry/Senior Engineer

Auditor of China National Cleaner Production (CNCP)

Editor of Plating & Finishing Magazine

Standing Director of China Surface Engineering Association

Vice Chairman of Fujian Surface Engineering Association 

Vice Chairman of Chinese Electronics Plating Specialist Committee

Standing Director of Electroplating Division of China Surface Engineering Association 

Director of Corrosion & Ageing Prevention Division of SAE of China

Vice Chairman of Shanghai Electronics Plating Specialist Committee

Mr. YE Jindui, an entrepreneur with academic background, studied in Xiamen University from 1983 to 1990, majoring in chemistry, and holds a bachelor degree and a master degree in electrochemistry. From 1990 to1993, he worked as an electroplating engineer at a large foreign enterprise in Xiamen. In 1993, he made the first step in the business by the possession of the precious metal plating formula, and founded Ekem. Today it has become a diversified and conglomerated high-tech enterprise. As the only Chinese delegate in this field, Mr. YE attended the international conference of POPRC organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in September, 2008, and on the discussion of the review of POPs review. In 2009, he won the honorary title of “The First Batch of Outstanding Talents in Zhangzhou City” issued by the municipal government. 

Mr. YE Jindui has dedicated to plating technology research and industrialization for a long time and has harvested fruitful achievements, especially in alkaline cyanide free zinc technology and trivalent chromating passivation technology. He had published many papers and applied for a number of patents of invention. He also took part in compiling The Electroplating Manual,sharing Ekem’s theory and experience with industry peers. In1996, he became the first one to apply high temperature carrier technology to aldehyde acid zinc system,which plays an important role in making the alkaline cyanide free zinc technology to the internationally advanced level. The alkaline cyanide free zinc technology that was researched in 2002,had broken through the bottleneck of traditional process brightness and brittleness contradiction. Its comprehensive performance has also reached the international advanced level, and has won innovation rewards issued by national, provincial, and municipal governments. It also won the Invited Technical Report Award in the 17th world interfinish congress and Exposition in 2008. In 2009, he became the first one to apply nano-sealer technology to trivalent chromium passivation agents,causing a sensation in the industry.

Mr. YE Jindui is also an eager participant of social activities. He has actively engaged in various kinds of activities organized by the industry and has won a good reputation for that. 

Ekem(Fujian) Chemicals Co. ,Ltd

ADD: Xingtai Economic Development     Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China

PC: 363900

Ekem Chemical Industry Co. ,Ltd. of Xiamen

ADD:20 /F, Post &Telecom Guangtong Bldg,No.11,    Hubin East Road, Xiamen, Fujian, China


TEL:+86-592-5881933   400-600-9110


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Ekem Chemical Industry Co,.Ltd.Of Xiamen   ©2017 All Right Reserve   ICP No.4582162 Fujian
